Midway Coffeehouse Offers Work Space

Tired of working from home and only seeing people on Zoom? Sick of listening to the dog snore while you work? Need to see familiar faces more than once a week?

The Gathering Area (belltower entrance) will be open from 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM on Mondays and Thursdays for Midway members who want to be together and need a change of scenery.

  • 6 people max on one day (sign up here)
  • WiFi provided
  • Easily accessible outlets also include USB ports
  • Bring your own snacks and coffee
  • Church library will be open for those who need to make private calls
  • Restrooms are open
  • Neighbor or friend who's not a Midway member wants to come? They'll need to fill out a background check and submit to Midway's Business Administrator. Email here to obtain form.