


Family Promise Volunteer Training

For anyone interested in or signed up to serve on an upcoming Family Promise week at Midway will need training. Training is not required if you have received annual training on Safe Sanctuaries from Midway UMC. If you are not Safe Sanctuary trained you will need to attend an in-person or online training event held by Family Promise to serve in 2025.

In-person training will be held March 11 from 9am to 11am at 127 Samaritan Dr - Cumming.  
Online training will be held March 4 from 6pm to 8pm. Please visit fpforsyth.org to register.


Movies at Midway

Join us on March 7th at 6pm in the Midway UMC Gym for Despicable Me 4.
Bring your family, a lawn chair or blanket and enjoy some pizza and popcorn!
Easter EGGstravaganza

Midway’s Easter EGGstravaganza is on Saturday, April 12th.  
This is one of our biggest outreach events. Every year we welcome over 300 people to this Eggciting Egg Hunt!
And we need your help to make this another EGGcelent event!
Volunteer signups will come out soon. But for now, we need donations of egg fillers like candy and small toys. Donation bins will be located in the gathering area and welcome center.

You can also purchase something from our Amazon Wishlist.
Vacation Bible School

We are excited for VBS 2025 – Road trip – June 2nd-6th!
Open to rising Pre-k thru rising 5th grade.  

Join us in a fun-filled adventure on the open road, taking all the kids (Travelers) on thrilling journeys to exciting destinations. Led by the Navigator and an adventurous pup Scout, kids will learn that God is always with them. Through engaging stories from the Navigators' Guide (the Bible), Travelers will delve into timeless tales of faith from the Old and New Testaments. Get ready for twists, turns, and excitement as they face new challenges and find strength in God's presence on this unforgettable trip!

Monthly Men's Fellowship

March 10th at 6:30
Come join us for dinner and fellowship in the front room @ Jim & Nicks BBQ at the Collection. Adam Schurlknight (Programs and Ops Mgr) from Family Promise will be joining us.
Spiritual Life Retreat

Spiritual growth retreat. All students are invited to join us for this impactful weekend. Confirmation students are strongly encouraged to join. We are going to Lake Junaluska, which is nestled in North Carolina’s Smoky Mountains. Lake Junaluska is the southeastern jurisdictional home of the United Methodist Church. On the retreat, we will enjoy small groups, worship, games and fellowship. Promises to be a great time.

Lake Junaluska, North Carolina
March 21-23
Cost $250

Limited space!
Women's Ministry Dinner Groups

A survey of Midway women revealed the #1 desired activity is an occasional dinner group, to simply share in fellowship with other women.

The week of March 24-29, Women's Ministry will host "Table Talk" groups that will meet for a meal at a local restaurant. A table hostess has already been designated for each day. She picked a restaurant, and has space in her group for up to 10 ladies. She'll make reservations at the designated restaurant, and communicate the plans to those who signed up for her group.

That's it! Sign up and show up. Just once. No homework, no prep. Just one meal with other Midway women - some you may know and others you won't. Find a date or place that works for you, and
Midway Women’s Ministry Planning Meeting

March 11, 6 - 7:30 pm Rm. 206

Midway's Women's Ministry would love your input as we plan women's events for 2025!
Join us for a planning meeting on March 11, 6:00- 7:30 in room 206.
Bring your ideas for impactful activities.
Student Ministry News
Make plans to join us for Sunday school this week! Three independent classes starting at 9:45 AM. There’s something for everyone.

Sunday Night
Can’t wait to see you Sunday night,  March 9, 5:30 PM! Invite all your friends as we embark on a photo challenge and continue our second week of our lent study

AMP 2025

The second annual Alpharetta Mission Project / AMP will be July 8-13. Please join us this summer as we continue to build on the mission started last summer.

AMP is a student lead / adult supported mission endeavor that helps the local community of Forsyth County. AMP is open to all 6th grade through 12th grade students. The students live in community at the church, (worshiping, eating, enjoying activities sleeping,etc) and then during the day go to the various worksites to serve.

A participant does not need to be a member of Midway to join AMP!! so be sure to invite all your friends!

Cost per student is $300
Adults are free
Ambassador Lunch - March 11

The Ambassador Group meets monthly on the second Tuesday of the month at 12:00pm
Meet at the "Eggs Up Grill" in the Grassland shopping center. (5665 Atlanta Hwy #112, Milton, GA 30004)

We have the private room to the left as you walk in the door.
Anyone is welcome to join this fun group for fellowship and good food.
Church Office Volunteers Needed
Looking for ways to serve Midway? Check out these opportunities to help during the week!

Front Desk: Make a positive first impression by helping to greet each guest and caller warmly.  Additionally, the front desk volunteer will help fold and stuff bulletins for Sunday worship.  We have a need for two different shifts, Thursdays, 9am – 12:30pm (Shift 1) and Thursdays, 12:30pm – 4pm (Shift 2)

Chapel & Sanctuary Reset: Straighten and restock pews/chairs. 30 min - When you’re available during the week.

If you are interested in being a backup to the Ministry Assistant during time away, please contact Dorinda Beard at dorinda@midwayumc.org
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Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/MidwayUMChurch
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/midwayumc
YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/@midwayumcalpharetta5792
Church Calendar

Stay up to date with all the exciting events and activities happening at our church by checking out our comprehensive calendar. Click the link to see what's coming up and mark your calendars!