Walk to Emmaus

What is a Walk to Emmaus?

Spoiler alert: it's not a physical activity

This one-time three-day retreat includes impactful learning, music, prayer, and small-group discussion focused on a variety of themes spoken about briefly by lay people and clergy who themselves have completed a Walk to Emmaus (WTE) experience.

The name of the retreat comes from the scriptural account in Luke 24 in which Jesus walks with two disciples on the road to Emmaus from Jerusalem on the day of His resurrection. The disciples rushed back excitedly to Jerusalem to tell others of their experience with the risen Christ, saying they felt "our hearts burning within us while he talked with us" (verse 32). WTE retreats seek to provide a similar experience for their participants.

Emmaus experiences are intended to be a time of spiritual renewal and formation. Participants must be sponsored on their Walk and must apply to participate. Men and women do their walks on separate weekends. During the long weekend, participants meet in small groups facilitated by an experienced leader, and are guided to explore for themselves how they can live the call to discipleship within their own homes, churches, and communities. Participants are also invited to continue meeting with small groups and others in the Emmaus community after the weekend concludes, for continued accountability, support, and prayer.
The goal of the experience is to empower leaders to be the hands and feet of Christ, by living as His disciples and becoming active members of His body, participating in mission within their local congregation. It's an opportunity to meet Jesus in a new way, as God's grace and unconditional love are revealed through other believers.

This is not just a retreat...it's truly transformational and unlike any other experience.

WTE is not limited to United Methodists. The movement is supported by a variety of Protestant denominations. Several Walks are usually scheduled each spring, with several more in the fall. Due to COVID-19, some Walks were canceled, but it's our hope that they will resume in fall 2021 as planned. 

Midway UMC is home to one of the largest and most active Emmaus communities (those who have participated in a WTE) in North Georgia, and the church hosts free informational dinners for church members who may be interested in a WTE (though those are on hold temporarily due to COVID-19). In the meantime, contact the church office for more information: 770.475.5230.  

Who Should Go on a Walk to Emmaus?

Emmaus is open to members of any Christian denomination. Emmaus is for the development of Christian leaders who:
  • are members of a local church
  • have a desire to strengthen their spiritual lives
  • may have unanswered questions about their faith
  • understand that being a Christian involves responsibility
  • are willing to dedicate their everyday lives to God in an ongoing manner, by serving others and the church

Why Emmaus?

Watch this short video created by another Methodist church, explaining the "why" behind the Emmaus experience. Take a leap of faith!